Update 24 May 2015
“BRT Canterbury Glen Eagles SuperStock team and management would
like to thank their loyal and valuable sponsor’s, crew, fans,
friends and families for the continued support. Planning for season
2015-2016 is well underway and we look forward to doing you all proud
2014-2015 Squad – Jacob Brownlees, Keven Roberts, Noel Inns, Brad
Rosewarne, Ricco Gray, Sonny Hammond & Kurtis Bandy.
BRT, Port Hills Truck Centre, Hanmer Holiday Homes, Brown & Paterson
Panel Beaters, Leech Drainage, Smith Concept, Elite Wheels & AmPro
Tools Woodford Glen Shop
“The BRT Glen Eagles are pleased to welcome BRT Motorsport and Gypsy Royal Stud as naming rights sponsors for the Glen Eagles for the 2013/2014/2015 speedway seasons. We look forward to professionally representing BRT, Gypsy Royal, Woodford Glen, Hydrotech, Smith Concept Building & Painting, Port Hills Truck Centre, Clarkson Sign Studio, Federal Print, AWS Graphics, and Elite Wheel Company at all Teams events over the coming seasons.
Shirts will be available soon, Don’t forget that you can help out the BRT Glen Eagles by buying a raffle ticket for an AmPro Tools Tool Cart and Tool Chest complete with tools (Value $3000). Tickets $5 available at the Woodford Glen Shop and the Souvenir Shop at the Track.”
“The Glen Eagles have returned to a Red and Black design.”

Images from the 2014 NZ Superstock Teams Champs Palmerston North
“The BRT Glen Eagles Superstock Team would like to thank all our sponsors, BRT, Gypsy Royal Stud, Ampro Tools, Woodford Glen Speedway Association Inc., Smith Concept Painting and Building, Port Hills Truck Centre, Metalman, Hydrotech, Leech Drainage Services, Elite Wheel Company, Brown & Paterson, Federal Print; and all our supporters. Its been a hard weekend for the BRT Glen Eagles, we gave it our all and will be back. Thank you one and all for all your support !”
“Photos courtesy of Rachel Dempster and Glen Smith”
Images from the 2011 Glen Eagles Victory in Nelson Check us out on facebook
