Battle of the Stocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

SuperStocks - Heat 4

Event R3        12 Laps  
Page# 1         Issue# 1
Start Sat Mar 17   19:47
Elapsed Time        8:35
Pos Car  Driver                   Entrant                        Vehicle              Cap   CL Laps     Race.Time Fastest...Lap

1   1NZ  Simon Joblin             Simon Joblin                                                   12     8:35.3874   6 0:20.0081 
2   515  Stan Hickey              Stan Hickey                                                    12     8:38.0425  12 0:20.0199 
3   14N  Dale Ewers               Dale Ewers                                                     12     8:40.1896   9 0:20.1681 
4    6P  Wayne Hemi               Wayne Hemi                                                     12     8:40.8489  11 0:19.8105*
5    7R  Dane Wright              Dayne Wright                                                   12     8:41.1265  11 0:20.4974 
6   19C  Malcolm Ngatai           Malcolm Ngatai                 NRP - Toyota                    12     8:41.5774  11 0:20.0798 
7   11A  Gary Ellis               Gary Ellis                                                     12     8:48.4863  11 0:21.1200 
8   47C  Nigel Keats              Nigel Keats                    Gorge Chassis                   12     8:50.6561  10 0:21.0178 
9    8P  Scott Meyers             Scott Miers                                                    12     8:50.8227   6 0:20.7364 
10  841  Matt Bolton              Ricky Bolton                                                   12     8:51.1874  11 0:20.7253 
11  31P  Andy McCabe              Andy McCabe                                                    12     8:51.3297   8 0:20.2192 
12  89C  Jason Smith              Jason Smith                    Gordge - Holden                 12     8:52.6227   8 0:21.1130 
13  29C  Murray Greig             Murray Greig                   Homebuilt            V8         12     8:54.5043   7 0:20.7360 
14  2NZ  Peter Rees               Peter Rees                                                     12     8:55.6568   8 0:20.2285 
15  96N  Jared Gray               Jared Gray                                                     12     8:56.5172  10 0:20.1090 
16  42C  Kevin Nortman                                           Chevy/Ford Y                    12     8:57.2243   6 0:21.1717 
17  36C  Terry Hall               Terry Hall                     Warner - Chev                   11     8:39.8164  10 0:21.4358 
18  86C  Jason Moore              Jason Moore                    Gordge - Holden                 10     9:05.7652   7 0:21.3525 
19  12C  N Selfe/W Martin         Nick Selfe                     Holden               V8         11     8:40.9649   6 0:21.1864 
20  53P  Kevin Roberts            Kevin Roberts                                                  11     8:45.9247  11 0:20.7405 
21  43C  Graeme Keats             Graeme Keats                   Chevy/Ford Y                    11     8:51.1542   3 0:22.4621 
22  39C  J Dickinson              J Dickinson                    Chevy/Ford Y                    10     8:35.9126   9 0:23.2199 
23  99C  Emerson Leech            Emerson Leach                  Jozey Copy - Nissan              4     9:01.8932   3 0:36.8203 
24  58P  Peter Bangston           Peter Bangston                                                 11     9:04.5060   7 0:21.0130 
DNF 27C  Peter Field              Peter Field                    Homebuilt - Ford               
DNF 16C  Mark Osbourne            Mark Osbourne                  Toyota V8                      
DNF 3NZ  Shane Penn               Shane Penn                                                    

Competitor#58P Relegated To Position 24 
Competitor#86C Relegated To Position 18 

Fastest Lap Av.Speed Is 78kph, Race Av.Speed Is 36kph
Current Race Lap Record Is 0:09.2696 Set On 27/01/2007 By Tim Preston In A Holden
R=under lap record by greatest margin, r=under lap record, *=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sun Mar 18 14:43:10 2007     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63342353 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graeme Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Battle of the Stocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

SuperStocks - Heat 4


Event R3        12 Laps  
Page# 1         Issue# 1
Start Sat Mar 17   19:47
Elapsed Time        8:35
                                    1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 

1NZ Simon Joblin            2:45.4947 2:22.9710 0:22.1493 0:21.1804 0:20.4038 0:20.0081 0:20.5698 0:20.1582 0:21.3175 0:20.6047 
                         10 0:20.0494 0:20.4805 
515 Stan Hickey             2:44.3807 2:23.5072 0:22.4904 0:22.0825 0:20.1176 0:20.5190 0:23.2754 0:20.4343 0:20.4544 0:20.2683 
                         10 0:20.4928 0:20.0199 
14N Dale Ewers              2:44.1055 2:24.5790 0:22.1083 0:21.4810 0:21.4244 0:20.6360 0:20.5186 0:20.4225 0:20.1681 0:20.6599 
                         10 0:20.7927 0:23.2936 
 6P Wayne Hemi              2:49.3191 2:21.1953 0:24.7278 0:20.6597 0:21.1877 0:20.4924 0:19.8820 0:20.1755 0:22.1198 0:20.0960 
                         10 0:19.8105 0:21.1831 
 7R Dane Wright             2:48.2962 2:21.8091 0:22.4674 0:21.2718 0:20.9303 0:20.6308 0:20.5522 0:20.9306 0:21.3443 0:20.8939 
                         10 0:20.4974 0:21.5025 
19C Malcolm Ngatai          2:48.0947 2:21.7903 0:21.5702 0:22.7178 0:21.2952 0:20.5402 0:20.8893 0:20.4646 0:22.6457 0:20.8886 
                         10 0:20.0798 0:20.6010 
11A Gary Ellis              2:45.8719 2:23.1857 0:23.1803 0:22.4914 0:22.6019 0:21.7043 0:21.8667 0:21.8168 0:21.7667 0:21.4658 
                         10 0:21.1200 0:21.4148 
47C Nigel Keats             2:45.3092 2:23.1006 0:24.2382 0:21.8845 0:21.7675 0:21.9728 0:22.0725 0:22.2918 0:21.6376 0:21.0178 
                         10 0:22.0437 0:23.3199 
 8P Scott Meyers            2:53.4085 2:24.4781 0:21.4888 0:21.2228 0:21.1861 0:20.7364 0:21.0980 0:21.2796 0:21.4716 0:20.7436 
                         10 0:21.1603 0:22.5489 
841 Matt Bolton             2:47.7590 2:22.8973 0:22.2746 0:23.7418 0:21.2392 0:21.2633 0:21.8825 0:22.1415 0:24.8760 0:21.4936 
                         10 0:20.7253 0:20.8933 
31P Andy McCabe             2:50.6241 2:34.2479 0:20.9561 0:21.1350 0:20.6415 0:20.4214 0:20.5941 0:20.2192 0:20.6234 0:20.5648 
                         10 0:20.6033 0:20.6989 
89C Jason Smith             2:50.5402 2:23.1013 0:22.2487 0:22.1984 0:22.4606 0:22.0971 0:21.4336 0:21.1130 0:22.0566 0:21.6076 
                         10 0:22.6261 0:21.1395 
29C Murray Greig            2:52.3520 2:23.7938 0:21.4420 0:21.4224 0:21.7083 0:21.3967 0:20.7360 0:21.0919 0:21.3307 0:21.0681 
                         10 0:27.2551 0:20.9073 
2NZ Peter Rees              2:43.9813 2:23.5639 0:22.5587 0:22.6860 0:20.8626 0:20.4569 0:37.7114 0:20.2285 0:21.9285 0:20.2929 
                         10 0:20.5678 0:20.8183 
96N Jared Gray              2:50.0347 2:22.7260 0:21.1588 0:21.4657 0:21.7098 0:22.5843 0:21.5817 0:21.8394 0:30.0866 0:20.1090 
                         10 0:21.5489 0:21.6723 
42C Kevin Nortman           2:45.6418 2:23.7147 0:24.1022 0:22.8564 0:22.7984 0:21.1717 0:21.3925 0:22.2232 0:26.9428 0:21.2079 
                         10 0:23.1191 0:22.0536 
36C Terry Hall              2:53.8742 2:25.6021 0:22.7979 0:21.9861 0:22.2264 0:22.1997 0:21.9567 0:23.3554 0:22.1180 0:21.4358 
                         10 0:22.2641 
86C Jason Moore             5:18.4713 0:22.4169 0:25.6399 0:22.8940 0:22.0192 0:21.7270 0:21.3525 0:22.8423 0:21.6789 0:46.7232 
12C N Selfe/W Martin        2:54.1734 2:25.8759 0:22.4434 0:25.1769 0:22.2914 0:21.1864 0:21.2097 0:22.9007 0:21.7538 0:21.9733 
                         10 0:21.9800 
53P Kevin Roberts           2:49.3256 2:21.9566 0:23.2572 0:35.9189 0:22.0477 0:26.1035 0:22.9891 0:21.4043 0:21.0131 0:21.1682 
                         10 0:20.7405 
43C Graeme Keats            2:58.7433 2:23.7902 0:22.4621 0:23.0738 0:22.6563 0:23.4582 0:22.9959 0:23.9125 0:22.7723 0:23.0123 
                         10 0:24.2773 
39C J Dickinson             2:50.7751 2:25.6353 0:23.6799 0:27.6551 0:23.6785 0:28.1770 0:23.7069 0:24.4076 0:23.2199 0:24.9773 
99C Emerson Leech           2:52.5332 2:49.7966 0:36.8203 2:42.7431 
58P Peter Bangston          2:51.7266 2:24.5688 0:21.5697 0:21.0286 0:21.3139 0:21.5777 0:21.0130 0:21.8280 0:22.1828 0:22.2398 
                         10 0:55.4571 

underline=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sun Mar 18 14:43:10 2007     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63342353 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graeme Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Battle of the Stocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

SuperStocks - Heat 4


Event R3        12 Laps  
Page# 1         Issue# 1
Start Sat Mar 17   19:47
Elapsed Time        8:35
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12 

1   2NZ 2NZ 2NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 1NZ 
2   14N 515 515 14N 515 515 14N 14N 14N 14N 14N 515 
3   515 47C 1NZ 515 2NZ 2NZ  7R 515 515 515 515 14N 
4   47C 1NZ 14N 2NZ 14N 14N 515  7R  7R  7R  7R  6P 
5   1NZ 14N 19C  7R  7R  7R 19C 19C  6P  6P  6P  7R 
6   42C 11A 11A 19C 19C 19C  6P  6P 19C 19C 19C 19C 
7   11A 42C  7R 47C 47C  6P 47C 47C 47C 47C 11A 11A 
8   841 19C 47C 11A  6P 47C 11A 11A 11A 11A 47C 47C 
9   19C  7R 841 96N 96N 11A 841 96N 29C 29C  8P  8P 
10   7R  6P 42C  6P 11A 841 96N 841  8P  8P 841 841 
11   6P 841 96N 42C 841 96N 42C 42C 58P 89C 31P 31P 
12  53P 53P 53P 841 42C 42C 58P 29C 89C 58P 89C 89C 
13  96N 96N  6P 89C 58P 58P 29C 58P 841 841 29C 29C 
14  89C 89C 89C 58P 89C 29C  8P  8P 31P 31P 2NZ 2NZ 
15  31P 29C 29C 29C 29C  8P 89C 89C 42C 42C 96N 96N 
16  39C 58P 58P  8P  8P 89C 31P 31P 96N 96N 42C 42C 
17  58P 39C  8P 36C 36C 31P 36C 2NZ 2NZ 2NZ 36C     
18  29C  8P 39C 31P 31P 36C 2NZ 36C 36C 36C 12C     
19  99C 36C 36C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 53P     
20   8P 12C 12C 39C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 53P 43C     
21  36C 43C 43C 43C 39C 53P 53P 53P 53P 43C 58P     
22  12C 31P 31P 53P 53P 39C 39C 39C 39C 39C         
23  43C 86C 86C 86C 86C 86C 86C 86C 86C 86C         
24  86C 99C 99C 99C                                 
Issue# 1 - Printed Sun Mar 18 14:43:10 2007     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63342353 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graeme Cairns