Winter Workshop - Boulton Racing Team
Woodford Glen have enjoyed the company of the Boulton Racing Team on the many occasions they have attended our track. And for the 08/09 season BRT are joining the club which has to be a win-win situation for everybody.
After an invite from Josh Boulton I welcomed the opportunity to check out the newly completed team workshop in North Canterbury. Firstly to say this is merely a workshop would be a gross understatement. From the 'Race Fan' parking signs to the BRT wall clocks, such a clean and well designed atmosphere would put some major circuit racing outfits to shame. It was a pleasure to be there and on the occasions I have spoken to them you begin to realise that these guys never appear stressed or in a hurry. Now that just seems to go against the grain of what one would at times assume a successful racer to be.
BRT are entering a new era with not just more advanced race gear but also setting new standards in terms of promotion and presentation. This season sees the arrival of new chassis', engines, suspension and some new drivers. The latest arrival on hand is the new modified chassis for Luke Keegan which I understand is "gonna look very different". Luke joined the team last season and now his dad Greg will also be driving for BRT.
To get an understanding of the cars and drivers etc may be somewhat complex but heres my interpretation:
Bruce Boulton 881c - SuperSaloon (new car for Bruce with a change in engine setup cos Josh says dad just toasts tyres too much).
Josh Boulton 2nz/891c - SuperSaloon x2 (the 2nz car which was new last season and receiving a rebuilt Hendriks Motorsport engine. Plus Josh's previous car which he says "gets him smiling every time cos its heaps of fun to drive and wildly lifts wheels but if ya doin that ya goin too slow").
Greg Keegan 3nz/851c - SuperSaloon (Bruce's old car).
Luke Keegan 871c - Modified (new chassis and uprated engine).
Ricky Boulton 861n - SuperStock (Existing car also rebuilt and virtually ready to go)
Matt Boulton 841e - SuperStock (Getting new front end cos Josh says "Matt just loves smashing into everything")
The teams shift to Canterbury has come at a cost however - their crew! Brendon is obviously very dedicated and chose to move here with the team after 4years of service to BRT but the rest of the crew is all new. Their new neighbours have now come onboard to help ease the load. Graeme lives next door and he's a machinist who is "into cars" and he has brought along his mate Jason who is a "hydraulics guru". Colin "a plumber from England" is the husband of the office manager and he was convinced he needed to be part of the crew when his 5 cylinder Volvo was "hotted up one day" by BRT. Djared is also on the team and Josh says "not sure what he does actually". Dave is the team courier who is always picking up gear from all over Christchurch and making deliveries to the workshop because the courier companies dont deliver past Rangiora. Another neighbour has gotten the bug! Barbara is a spritely 72 years young and has carried out everything from cleaning to plastering, sanding and painting the entire engine assembly room.
Now the inexperience of this crew does not seem to be an issue as I have a feeling that the competitive edge is as sharp as ever. Having 2nz & 3nz drivers racing from the same outfit can only mean continued future success. Josh & I spoke of that last step up the ladder to 1nz and the possibility of Greg following that move to 2nz but then Bruce reckons he's gonna "cream both of them!".
I asked Josh what aspect of racecars he gets his kicks from to which he responded: "I get the most pleasure from building the cars, next is spending time with the crew and family at the track. Then comes picking up wins which is an added bonus".
Josh also added he is "proud of the association BRT has developed with John at Lovelady Racecars who looks after us and ensures all things are done on time. And also Mike from Protech who now runs an engine maintenance program for BRT which sees him call into the workshop every 2 meetings. These guys are both real good to work with".
The team are completing their own paint booth and have recently added the finishing touches to the new "Crew Lounge". This is also their "thinking" room where I am sure many a late night will be had. Some of this thinking has resulted in a new pit cart being developed which really looks the part. I can see the dedicated team at BRT continuing its success so make sure you keep an eye on the teams progress this season at the Boulton Racing Team Website. [article by Roger Nees]